Our Team
The team behind the solution jointly have more than 50 years of experience from IT, healthcare, business development, public/private business and collaboration & start-up’s. With the joint competences and experience we believe we can launch both a great product and develop the right business model - both key factors for achieving our vision Health data today - healthcare tomorrow.
Thomas Ahlmann-Liisberg,
CEO, Co-founder & Market Advisor
Thomas has more than 25 years of international business, entrepreneurship, startup of companies in DK, Africa and Asia. Currently partner and board member in several companies. Graduated from The Danish Export Institute.
Nicolai Mortensen,
Project Coordinator
Nicolai holds a Master of Science in Media Studies from Aarhus University and has experience in communication, copywriting and digital marketing.
Anne Mette Bang,
Co-founder & Sector Advisor
Anne Mette has more than 25 years of experience from the healthcare sector from a business perspective, working with both the public and private side on developing and marketing solutions. Anne Mette holds a master of science in public relations from Aalborg Universities and a master in international relations from Warwick University.
Ida Marie Berthelsen,
Project Coordinator & Office Lead
Ida Marie holds a Master of Science in Political Science from Aarhus University and has experience both from the public and private sector, including the IT-industry.
Torben M. Hagensen,
Solution Architect
Torben is a Senior Solution Architect with a strong focus on customer needs. Torben has several years of experience with development of mission critical software systems for healthcare organisations.
Torben’s experience enables him to secure progress in all phases of projects from the initial definition of a vision to development and implementation of a solution.
External advisors:
Prof. Dorthe Nielsen from OUH
Prof. Doc. Stephen from the University of Dodoma
Prof. Dickson from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science